In Remembrance: Samuel Wilde, Jr.

Samuel Wilde, Jr. Founder, Trustee. A memorial perpetuated in Wilde Memorial Chapel, presented by Mary E. Wilde, 1890. [book001-01]

Wilde Memorial Chapel, designed by Portland architect Frederick Tompson, was built in 1902. The family of Samuel Wilde, whose wife Mary Ellen Lunt Wilde was a Portland area native, bestowed the cemetery with this granite Gothic chapel. The chapel has interior woodwork of cypress and stained glass windows by the firm of Moakley and Bell of Boston. Some restoration work has been done over the years providing continued use of the chapel for funerals and weddings. []

Samuel Wilde, Jr.

Legendary Locals of Montclair
by Elizabeth Shepard, Mike Farrelly
Arcadia Publishing, Jul 1, 2013 - History - 128 pages


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