SELLERS Robert Henry

SELLERS Robert Henry 395 Broadway New York NY res. 77 Grove St Montclair NJ
President b. Brooklyn NY Oct 19 1857 s. William Harvey and Harriet (Cone) Sellers; father was First Lieutenant in Mexican War and assistant Adjutant General Texas Brigade under General JB Hood of Confederate Army; organised Cotton Exchange of Galveston Texas and was pres. from time of organization until his death; maternal grandfather Dr. H.H. Cone was head of Medical & Surgical Department of the Army of Republic of Texas; ed. Washington & Lee Univ. Lexington Va. m. New York N.Y. 1890, Edith Gilson. Was dir. Bank of Lexington and dir. and pres. Rockbridge County Fair Assn. Lexington Va 1881; dir. Farmers & Mechanics National Bank Ft. Worth Texas; Ft. Worth Packing House; pres. and dir. Ft. Worth Stock Yards and First National Bank of Cameron; made some of largest land sales ever completed in Texas; was also active in Mexican land matters with H. Lee Sellers and Messrs. H.R. and Thomas Conyngton developed the asphalt beds of Indian territory; sold southern bonds and colonized southern lands; pres. and dir. HK Sellers Co; treas. and acting pres. Telepost Co. and Cosmopolitan Telegraph & Telephone Co.; sec. Delany Foreign Co. Member Red Cross YMCA The American Rose Society N J Chapter Sons of the American Revolution Clubs; Congregational (New York), Old Colony. Democrat. Member First Congregational Church, Montclair N.J. [Who's who in Finance and Banking (Google eBook). Who's Who in Finance Incorporated, 1922.]


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