Amory Bradford Centennial

Handwritten notes for Amory Howe Bradford Minister F.C.C. 1870-1910 (author unknown)
First paragraph:

Less than two years before Amory Howe Bradford died, the citizens of Montclair honored him with a testimonial dinner. He was without doubt - the outstanding citizen in the town. People from differing religious persuasions, the Governor of the State of New Jersey and people from every walk of life wanted to honor this man. The main speaker alluded to the time when Dr. Bradford would no longer walk the familiar streets and said he could properly be evaluated and recalled in the words of Brutus:

"His life was gentle; and the elements so mixed in him, that nature might stand up and say to all the world, This was a man."

A 19 page PDF of this document is available, click here.



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