The Third American City by Amory Bradford

Late Pastor of First Congregational Church, Montclair, N.J.
Reprinted from pamphlet published in 1904.

Conclusion.- With the construction of the tunnels under the Hudson already projected, nothing can long prevent the increase of population in this part of Eastern New Jersey. I venture to prophesy that within ten years it will not only have caught up with, but will have passed Philadelphia, and then that for years to come it will keep the third place among American municipalities. It may be either a vast aggregation of unsympathetic classes controlled by some more corrupt Tammany, or a city worthy of its incomparable location and wonderful natural beauty, whose people shall love truth and work righteousness.

Which it will be will depend very largely on the vision and courage of those who are now its citizens, and on their attitude toward the facts and figures contained in this essay.

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