Beauty of First Congregational Church Enhanced by Stained Glass Windows

Newspaper article (undated) discussing some of the architectural features of the Church.

Montclair possesses, in the First Congressional Church, one of the finest examples of Gothic church architecture in the country. The architect, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, specialized in Gothic, and considered this church one of his finest achievements.

The stained glass windows add much to the beauty of the church. In each of the transepts is to be found a memorial window. The most striking window is seen as soon as one enters the church— the Soldiers' Memorial Window, dedicated to the young men of the church who were lost in World War I. The fundamental idea of the window is the triumph of right over wrong through heroic sacrifice. In the center panel stands the figure of the Archangel Michael, flanked on either side by David and Joshua, Stephen and Cornelius.

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