To Marion Amelung 1980


To Marion Amelung and the very able Committee under her consistent and cogent leadership upon bringing to fruition plans for the building of the First Montclair Housing Unit.

High against Montclair s eastern sky
Stands the lacey network of a crane.
Fragile though it Itteala soaring high,
Tower of strength, a better name,
Lifts load upon load patiently,
Building for elderly people
Dwellings designed beautifully,
Pointing the way like a steeple
To what living should be for those
Unable to cope with rising costs
of inflation, as everyone knows,
Damaging as autumn's frosts.
Why this building in Montclair town?
Something about people in church,
Impressed by sermons of renown,
About duties when life's in lurch.
Christian duties compel many,
Caught in the grip of good impulse, To respond and work in company
Drafting plans without thought of repulse.
Amelung (Marion), Faulkner (Kent),
Conner (Richard), Upton (Paula),
Boyle, Putnam in meetings frequent,
Lackey, Johnston, Maddox, -- all a
Hard-working committee -- bent
Efforts to plan and build so tall a
Building that crane would be needed
High and strong to fulfill the call
And complete the demand thus heeded,
Succeeding in spite of many a stall.
Imagine that crane, tall and strong,
Symbolising First Church's Tower
Rising tall and equally strong,
Helping God's mission to flower
In market place as well as sanctuary
Like Willow Brook seeking to serve
Lives made cold as January, Transforming them to live with verve.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
For men and women whose go0d deeds
Bring by extension church to glow
In world suffering sorest needs.
Marion and able Committee,
Salute you all we heartily do,
Thanking God for example free
Given to ages coming through.
AIleluia, sang psalmists of old!
So sing we now in times of stress and strain,
Knowing fully well, as foretold,
Only rejoicing fills the refrain.
Yet this rejoicing is not the end. Other Marions in other years
Must rise and plan and work and send
Spirit surging in other peers.

On its laurels never resting
This Church must continue to quest
For never-ending work, testing
Parishioners' skills aimed at the best.
TE DEUM, sing conquering people;
So may our song of gratitude
Bellifted high as crane or steeple,
Praising while doing God's work in latitude.
Ever dedicated, ever committed,
May generations roll down like water
Surging with divine will inspired
In every son and daughter.

Harold C. Bohn
Montclair, New Jersey
January-February, 1980.


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