Welcome Home to Dr. Bradford, 1909

"Welcome Home" to Dr. Bradford by the Men's Club First Congregational Church, Montclair, N.J. Wilde Memorial Chapel March 25, 1909.

Mr. Charles S. Olcott, presiding

Addresses of Welcome
Reverend Robert Seneca Smith
Mr. Starr J. Murphy

Dr. Bradford

The Laymen's Opportunity
Mr. Frank A. Ferris

The Church Brotherhood
Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick

Loyalty to the Church
Rev. William Douglass Mackenzie, D.D.


Charles S. Olcott, President
J. Allyn Oakley, Secretary

Executive Committee
James Ames
Charles Whiting Baker
Elvord G. Chamberlin
William B. Dickson
Charles M. Dutcher
Andrew Morrison
Willis C. Noble, M.D.
Edward T. Wilkinson
James T. Whittlesey

[bradford0004] Envelope marked Amory Howe Bradford, Minister 1870-1911. CDB1977.


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