Mark Andrews Hymn 1934

15 page music folio published by Galaxy Music Corp. Church Music. Mark Andrews They Shall Beat Their Swords Into Plow-Shares. 1934. Dedication: To a great lover of music and men, William B. Dickson.

William B. Dickson (1864-1942) was a businessman and civic leader who lived in Montclair, New Jersey.  He began working for the Carnegie Steel Company at the age of fifteen.  He later became a junior partner and managing director of the company.  From 1901 to 1911 he served as vice president of the United States Steel Corporation.  In 1917 Dickson was a member of the Board of State Prison Inspectors in New Jersey.  He was a founder of the Montclair Art Museum.  William B. Dickson was also an abolitionist and an advocate of industrial democracy in labor-management relations.  He was married to Mary Bruce Dickson (d. 1944) (Dickson was also her maiden name) and they had five children, Charles K., Emma Dickson Carswell, Susan Dickson Taylor, Eleanor Dickson Seidler, and Helen Dickson Ware.  William B. Dickson died on January 28, 1942 at his summer home in New Hampshire after a four-month illness. [Source]



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