President's Report 1987


As my report, I would like to make some observations which I am sure are apparent to most members, but I feel that they need to be stated and emphasized.

The first thing relates to the burden of our physical property. In spite of efforts by the Physical Properties Department and "the crew," the hiring of a hard-working sexton, and the accomplishments of the Building Renewal Program, the ever present maintenance requirements continue to be a constant burden on our time and resources. They impact on the Senior Minister, on the Board’s time and on our financial resources. They can be and are being coped with, but the unfortunate thing is that the impact is so large, it detracts from the more meaningful aspects of our life as a Christian Church.

Looking back on the past twelve months, I too have become too much involved in the physical needs which has diverted my attention from other important items such as program and membership. Not that progress has not been made in these areas - much is being done, but in my opinion, more of the congregation's attention needs to be focused on these two areas: program and membership.

As you will recall, a year ago we decided to shift some of our resources with the help of office volunteers from the administration area to that of program. This enabled us to bring Rich Pfeiffer to the staff to build on the fine effort being made by Shari and Scott Coronis. We can be proud of all that the three of them are doing to appeal to young families. I hope that those who have given of their time to cover the office telephones realize how important their participation has been. You have definitely helped in the development of our ministry to young people. Perhaps there are other places where this sort of supervision can be brought to bear.

Mentioning telephones reminds me of our new telephone system which has been in place now five months. This was a large expenditure but is proving its value every day. It has been free of any serious problems and has permitted the staff to be more productive. You may have noticed an extension in the narthex. This was instrumental in getting prompt medical assistance during the Easter Service when someone became ill.

Like all similar organizations membership is an area requiring constant attention. This is something that is everyone's responsibility - yours and mine. The Membership Department should set some direction and mobilize our individual efforts, but it is up to each of us to attract people to the church. Our church does a great deal in the community for which we can stick our chests out with pride. We do a lot through missions; Mother's Morning Out is a real community service; and then there is First Montclair House in which we played such a vital role in the beginning and on whose Board we continue to participate. Now that our young people's program is developing, we all need to think membership. I urge next year's Membership Department to challenge us in this area.

In summary, what I am saying is that we get busy with daily, squeeky wheels and tend to forget, or run out of time for the big picture. We must reduce the demands of our physical property problems on our organization structure so that more of our effort can be directed towards such things as program, membership and. our spiritual life. A lot of volunteer effort is expended.  Perhaps it needs to be redirected.   In short, what is it we really want to do and where are we going?   These are questions which Park and I have discussed and to which we as a congregation need to give some attention.

My final comment is just a word of appreciation to all who have served on each of the four departments, those who have served on various committees and to members of the Board and Executive Committee. Thank you for your support, for your attendance at meetings, for your hard work and sound thinking. Thanks to you we have made progress and ministered to others. Things are not perfect, there is more to be done; but if we continue to work together, I know that a year from now Bob Boyle will be able to print significant accomplishments.

Gaius W. Merwin, Jr. President



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