Biography of Harold Berry 1985


Every church is blessed with special people who make their various talents available for the good of the entire congregation. This is certainly  true  of  Harold  Berry.
The boys he taught in Sunday School will never forget his classes, not only for the lessons learned there, but for his sharing of outside activities with them. He made a point of taking each class to the Yankee Stadium at least once each season. We have an alumnus of one of  Harold's  classes  in  our  own  Steve  Cutaia.

Harold has always been ready to add his business expertise to church needs, and has served as President of the Church, as a Trustee, on Pastoral Search Committees, and on the Nominating Committee. Even when he was not actively in office he was often consulted for his sound  advice.

When the church was considering the purchase of a new manse Harold was about to move from Montclair, and he made his home on Plymouth Street available  to  the  church  at  a  very  accommodating  figure. Most recently Harold came out of his semi-retirement from active church commitments to serve as a very effective member of the recent church  Building  Renewal  Fund  program.

All in all, we have experienced many instances of Harold's dedication to the church as an institution, and of his willingness to participate in  its  programs.


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