Biography of Clara L. DeBoer 1985


Ever since joining First Congregational Church in March of 1967, Clara DeBoer has made herself known to us by her dedication to the Christian principle of caring for others as exemplified by her service both in this parish and also at the municipal and county levels of the Church Universal. Whether working among the church's archives or providing able leadership for both the Woman's Guild and Church Women United, she  has  given  of  herself  in  a  most  generous  and  unassuming  manner.

Clara, the mother of three (John, Catherine, and David) graduated Phi Beta Kappa and first in her class from the University of Vermont after David, her youngest child, was seven years old. She next earned a PhD from Rutgers University in American History (her dissertation being on Black History). She has since taught at Montclair State, Kean College and  Rutgers.

Serving as the archivist since 1975, Clara has enchanted First Church with her interest in the history of the Congregational Church, particularly that of First Church, Montclair. Many have been the occasions when she has spoken to us of our church's history. Most recently during the Building Renewal Fund drive about our current and previous edifices and also at the time of our church's Centennial celebration. Who among us who were around then can forget the time line which she implemented on the walls of our church school/office building?

Additionally, Clara has served as President of the Woman's Guild. She has chaired or co-chaired the Rummage Sale since 1979 and also currently leads the Guild's Friendly Service. Clara is one who believes in leadership by example. The long hours given to both the Rummage Sale and Friendly Service are well known as is her love for her  fellow  workers.

Clara also represents us in the larger Church as Chairman of the Montclair Chapter of Church Women United and in addition has also chaired that organization at the county level. Once a month you can find her in our Recreation Room leading her fellow Church World Service workers in the thankless task of sorting, mending, folding and packing  clothes  for  the  needy.

But Clara has most endeared herself to us by her friendly "Hello," her charm and a keen sense of humor, enlivening many an Annual Meeting. For all she has contributed to life at First Church and for all of her many talents she has shared so freely with us, it is with considerable gratitude that the Order of the Ivy is awarded to Dr. Clara L. DeBoer; she  has  earned  it!


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